March 10, 2021

Ep. 54 – Featuring Tisha Schuller

Welcome to another edition of COBT! This week we were thrilled to be joined by Tisha Schuller, Founding Principal of Adamantine Energy and Author of "The Gamechanger's Playbook: How Oil & Gas Leaders Thrive in an Era of Continuous Disruption" to discuss a number of energy and environmental related topics.

Tisha's experience includes environmental consulting, company advocacy, policy, politics, and academia. You can find her podcast, "Energy Thinks," linked here. We had a fantastic discussion covering her background, her latest book, and as you will hear, how millennials will greatly influence the future of energy and energy companies. In the spirit of sharing knowledge, we challenge you to forward this video to your favorite millennial!

We kicked off the session with our panel of TPH experts: Matt Portillo and Mike Bradley provided a market update and summary of upstream valuation methods then passed it to Colin Fenton who shared ten observations on commodities as we approach the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Featured guest on this show include: