July 28, 2020

Ep. 22 – Featuring Admiral McRaven

We have been very lucky to have had some incredible guests on our Close of Business Tuesday segments. Each week, we try and find someone who really speaks to a strong curiosity and/or need that we sense needs filling. This week we were blessed to find Admiral McRaven - the need he fulfilled is the one we all feel for an America that is pulling together to solve problems.

Admiral McRaven has tackled a lot of problems for this nation. He led missions to capture both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. As a four star Admiral, he commanded our special operations soldiers globally. He led the effort to craft the overarching strategy of the War on Terror in the Bush White House. He worked with President Obama to execute the daring assault that caught and killed Bin Laden. He joined a disheartened US military in the late 70s and helped the country rebuild, restore and reinvigorate the Armed Forces into one of the country's most respected institutions today. Finally, as you all probably know, he figured out somewhere along the way that if you really want to change the world, one place to start is making your bed in the morning.

As you will see in our discussion, he talks openly and frankly about leadership, the country, and the journey we are all on together. It was a fantastic discussion and most certainly satisfied the need we all felt for a good dose of what's great about America.

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