November 16, 2021

Ep. 90 – “There’s a right way and a wrong way to do Energy Transition”

Today we had a fascinating discussion with the management of California Resources Corporation (CRC) about their low carbon initiatives. President and CEO Mac McFarland and Executive Vice President and CFO Francisco Leon joined us for a walkthrough of their thinking, activities and plans in this super important area. Much like the Apache team joining us to describe their innovative tree program, we hope to continue to highlight companies doing innovative things to make oil and gas cleaner. We are all in this together! We hope by sharing and highlighting innovative practices we can all get better.

What you will hear from the CRC team is that they have been studying these options for a very long time but in the last 6 months or so it was time to make the move. They were already using CO2 for injection but have now thought through storage and sequestration. They have added solar in the field, applied for two Class VI permits and have made a net zero commitment on scope one, two and three emissions by 2045. It's all honestly really impressive stuff. We really appreciate Mac and Francisco joining today. As discussed, you can find their most recent investor presentation and the clean air task force analysis.

We kicked off with Mike Bradley talking a little about what's going on "Over There" and Colin Fenton gave us an awesome tutorial on inflation. There are lots of fun facts but the best one was we have only been above 6 percent inflation (we are 6.2 now) 13 percent of the time since 1950. Transitory is on the verge of becoming predatory.

Craig Webster was able to join us for the CRC discussion as well. We hope you enjoy today's discussion and can take away some things for your own business as you hear the CRC story.

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